Saturday, January 08, 2011

What would a weekend be without wacky email?

LOVE! Could be Poe-y but it's par for the course for the real crank ravings we get. And he even does the usual thing of signing off his ridiculous rant with "have a nice day!!" Just golden.

Hi my name joe Williams I’am writing this email , because I just have to say this because it needs to be said , you guys may think you absolutely know it all and think that you atheists are so intelligent and you think science completely backs up every thing you say , well , you guys talk on this so called important tv show from Austin texas called the atheists experience and try to talk very very sophisticated bullshit of why you think and believe that God does not exist , and try to use a so called lack of evidence or no evidence to prove your point it is very very easy to see that this is only in your mind , I personally think and believe that you guys are some of the most disrespectful people that I have ever seen and heard , it absolutely seems to me that you guys love to laugh at and make fun of every Christian caller that calls your show , every time I see your show I always see some stupid host with a goofy looking smile his or her face just waiting to insult the next Christian caller , just for the fun of it , I think these callers do not need to call in to the show oh yeah by the way , I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God is absolutely real , and Jesus Christ is my savior , in fact I can name at least 100 major reasons why there is a God and bible is absolutely true , but the problem is this no matter what I tell you , chances are you still won’t believe these reasons that I speak of will take time to write down and send through email I do not have a lot of time right now , but I will send them to you show through email , but just wanted to say how feel about show have a nice day ! !

Also, today, we got a really cool email. But I'll leave it to Matt to decide if there's anything we wish to reveal there.


  1. Not much to say about the guy's e-mail, is there? The guy is either one of the many retards who still think that sending a prank e-mail to the AE crew will impress anyone, or he's just another poor, brainwashed believer, who additionally, as is often the case, for some reason hates the English grammar.


  2. That's one long run-on. I didn't know you guys knew it all. Apparently Joe does too.

  3. " fact I can name at least 100 major reasons why there is a God and bible is absolutely true..."

    He must have found this:

  4. I'm looking forward to hearing more about his so called major so called reasons.

    I wonder about these people who can't stop watching TV shows they really hate. Don't their TV sets have off buttons? Do they only have the one channel? If their TV sets are anything like mine, I think I could fix their problem pretty quickly. o_O

  5. Just as an aside, I can't help noticing this person's odd punctuation: in may cases, he/she has a space in front of punctuation marks like commas.

    The Grammar Girl podcast had an episde about this recently, and she blamed this phenomenon on technology (when you're writing on an iPhone and select the word that autocomplete has picked for you, it automatically inserts a space), but the fact that there's a space between the two exclamation points at the end seems to belie this explanation.

  6. I can understand how the guy views the hosts on the show. It does seem like they shoot down defenseless Christian's for the sport of it sometimes with laughing included in the background. In the military during basic training T.I's that wanted to mess with trainee's during lunch hung out in an area at the chow hall which was known as the 'snake pit.' Everyone knew it was a losing proposition to even make eye contact with the sergeants in the snake pit. I would say some hosts are easier going than others but Matt would sort of fit into this 'snake pit mentality.'

  7. But Honest_Guy, the people who call aren't sequestered recruits at the mercy of a training schedule--lack of sleep on a short schedule on to the next training mission--in addition to having to fear of rank. These are seemingly prepped, well-slept, well-fed, willing callers from the comforts of their own homes.

    Calling is nothing even close to boot camp.

  8. solid blocks of text make my brain bleed O.O

    I would like to hear/see these 100+ reasons why his god, jebus, and teh bible are "absolutely true". I find it fairly amusing that he follows it up with the assertion that any of his evidence will be dismissed out of hand.

  9. Wow, I didn't know there was an 11th comandment: Thou shalt not use puncutation

  10. Very innovative use of spaces and commas.
    (1) Periods are not needed to write a paragraph.
    (2) Atheists require Periods to understand what good Christians are saying.
    (3) Atheists don't understand God.
    (4) Therefore, God is real.

  11. If only this person believed in grammar as much as he did the invisible man in the sky...

  12. So, e-mail in summary:

    *clears throat*

    "Martin, you're all asses. Just wanted to say that. Have a nice day!

    P.S. I'm a Christian."

  13. The thing that caught me was the: "so called important tv show"... which suggests that someone he knows has praised the show as begin important. Otherwise i dont get why he would mention it.

  14. @ joe Williams - I don't know if I have ever seen anyone on the show offer proof of why there is no god. What I have seen over and over is callers offering proof of why there is a god, and that proof is show to be inaccurate or logically flawed. If you have some proof that hasn't already been disputed, then please offer it, but you may want to do your homework first. You sure seemed to have time to write that email, you could have at least included a cursory reason for your belief. Or were you just trying to be disrespectful and insulting?

    @ Matt - I'd love to hear about the cool email, too.

  15. 100 reasons and he cannot even bother to write down one. I guess he does not want to "go and make disciples of all nations," why am I not too surprised?

  16. That's some major "stream of consciousness" there... did William Faulkner write that?

  17. "I can understand how the guy views the hosts on the show. It does seem like they shoot down defenseless Christian's for the sport of it sometimes with laughing included in the background. In the military during basic training T.I's that wanted to mess with trainee's during lunch hung out in an area at the chow hall which was known as the 'snake pit.' Everyone knew it was a losing proposition to even make eye contact with the sergeants in the snake pit. I would say some hosts are easier going than others but Matt would sort of fit into this 'snake pit mentality.' "

    The defenseless Christians...who call in themselves...because they think they can defend their faith.

    *rapts head* HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!?


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