Wednesday, May 26, 2010

This is not Photoshopped

Seriously. It isn't. This is an ad that appeared in my Facebook sidebar today, presented as is. Who knows, maybe Liberty U. is having a truth-in-advertising moment.


  1. Hahaha that is just great! Pure awesome!

  2. Truth in advertising! Finally!

  3. Priceless. And so honest.

  4. It's good to see Liberty U alerting us to the fact that there is a lot of BS in religion...

  5. Haha one of those coincidental bits of joy one finds on the intertubes once in a while.

    Here's the kicker though: I think the actual meaning is even more ridiculous. A Bachelor of Science in religion... riiiiight*.

    *Yeah, I know there valid disciplines that relate to religion like Philosophy or Religious Studies(but NOT Theology, I said VALID >_>) but even those would be BAs, wouldn't they?.

  6. Proof that either god doesn't exist or that he has a great sense of humor!

  7. That's great. I once got into an email flame war with a guy who wrote books on biblical based cures for everything, including cancer. I couldn't believe he was a physician and found out he was a graduate from Oral Roberts U. I asked him if that was indeed an accredited institution and never heard back from him.

  8. Every religious education is BS.

  9. A BS in Ministry. What a waste of time.

  10. Holy crap! That's hysterical!

  11. This would be funnier if nearly every university in the US didn't offer BS degrees in biology, physics, etc. Seems like we're shooting ourselves in the foot to support mockery of BS in religion, as it can easily be turned around at us.

    Where I come from, we call it a BSc.

  12. I think BS stands for BullShit

  13. "This would be funnier if nearly every university in the US didn't offer BS degrees in biology, physics, etc. Seems like we're shooting ourselves in the foot to support mockery of BS in religion, as it can easily be turned around at us.

    Where I come from, we call it a BSc."

    Except as stated, BS stands for Bachelor of SCIENCE. Unless they're putting the bible up for peer review it doesn't count.

  14. In my last year of undergrad I had to decide whether to go with a BA or a BS in my field. The BA would have been the easier way to go if for no other reason than I enjoyed those classes more. But no, I thought the Bachelor's of "Science" would be more impressive so I had to take more math and another lab that year. To this day I regret that decision every time some "liberal artist" chuckles at me.

    ...but in RELIGION?

  15. I always regretted getting that BS instead of a BA. I actually thought it would be more respected. I even went out of my way to get it.

    ...but in RELIGION?


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