And another one bites the dust. What a card that God is! He tells Oral that Oral will be summarily killed if the money isn't raised to keep his faith healing center afloat. And so Oral gets the money, and then the center shuts down three years later anyway! Then God waits until the fellow is basically decades older than the average human life expectancy, and kills him then, without a warning or cash extortion attempt of any kind. God, you joker you!
Oh, well, actually, God was never involved in any part of it. Oral was just another huckster who struck it rich exploiting ignorance and gullibility, and enjoyed the sort of long and prosperous life that, if we lived in a just world, honest people would be more entitled to. But I suspect even Oral wasn't as shady as the federally-investigated Kenneth Copeland, seen below administering a kind of Christian rolfing to the ORU patriarch. If you wish to commemorate Oral's passing by captioning/LOLing this, we won't stop you.

Addendum: Here's mine. Forgive me. (In the event it gets flagged and taken down as "inappropriate," I've taken a screenshot.)

And here we see one ape grooming another...
ReplyDeleteOral gave us one of the great Doonesbury strips ever -
The fraud lived to long - he outlived Jerry Garcia by over 14 years. Now that's a tragedy.
"Sorry, God doesn't do a healing for baldness."
ReplyDeleteSo, if these sorts of things go in threes, can we hope for Pat Robertson and Benny Hinn to round out the trifecta?
Those Oral Roberts dicks...
ReplyDeletethe ORU is giving away international scholarships to latin american christians, and bleeding them for money to pay they "word of the Kingdom" missions or some shit...
imagine, this fundies now steal money from poor people they were supose to aid...
"It takes over 30 puppeteers working in perfect synce to manipulate just fifteen minutes or Roberts screen time."
ReplyDelete"now a days though George Lucas just does it all with green screen"
"Laying on of hands"--Televangelist Foreplay
ReplyDeleteAlso, man oh man was I disappointed that your title wasn't literal.
ReplyDeleteThe idea of Roberts biting it from a Jesus statue falling on him is just too delicious. Is there anyway to retcon reality?
Thanks for the picture, Martin. I had lots of fun rofling it on my blog.
ReplyDeleteCLICK HERE to see how I commemorated this great nut.
"This is the worst 'Weekend at Bernies' sequel yet."
ReplyDeletewhat amuses me is this is less 'praying hands' and more Mr. Burns "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeexceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeent' hands.
Ing: Actually, the 900-foot Jesus crack wasn't referring to a statue, but Oral's most famous and widely-reported "vision." In case you hadn't heard about it, enjoy this.
ReplyDeleteThe band MC 900 Ft. Jesus got their name from this. Probably Oral's only valuable contribution to culture.
Almighty Lord in Heaven, HEAL this poor man of his wretched name! Left and right he hears childish puns and obscene jokes about it. Lord Jesus, make this man better, HEAL this man!
ReplyDeleteMy God, he's been cured! His name is now Kevin! Hallelujah! Praise be upon Him, for he is merciful and all-powerful!
Caption: "Still at room temperature."
ReplyDeleteBeing born in Tulsa and growing up there and around there, I am sad it took this long for this scammer to die.
ReplyDelete"It appears to be a problem with the alignment of two vertebrae in your neck. I think just a minor adjustment..."
ReplyDelete"I just saw the Terrence and Philip movie...WHO WANTS TO TOUCH ME!?"
ReplyDeleteI like pita bread sandwiches, Martin. It looks, by the way, that Oral is holding his hands in antipation of a footlong. I'm going to work on it.
ReplyDeleteI've seen some pretty big pita bread sandwiches....
ReplyDeleteI thought you were talking about an episode of Moral Oral until I had a look at the post title again.
ReplyDelete*zombies tap head*
*zombies walk away*
Click Here for more silliness at a dead man's expense.
ReplyDeleteDear Lord, just say the word so that I may give you Oral.*
ReplyDelete"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH Look who thinks he knows so much, for your information he's only MOSTLY dead."
ReplyDelete"For 8 million I'll cure em"