Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Expelled: agitprop not even Fox News can love

You'd think if Expelled could find a receptive outlet in the mass media to promote its lies, it would be the fine folks at the Bush Administration Ministry of Propaganda. But even Roger Ailes' network, that brought us Sean Hannity and John Gibson, let alone Bill Orally, isn't benighted enough to swallow Ben Stein's anti-science spooge.

What the producers of this film would love, love, love is a controversy. That’s because it’s being marketed by the same people who brought us "The Passion of the Christ." They’re hoping someone will latch onto an anti-Semitism theme here since there’s a visit to a concentration camp and the raised idea — apparently typical of the intelligent design community — that somehow the theory of evolution is so evil that it caused the Holocaust. Alas, this is such a warped premise that no one’s biting.

It's looking more and more like Expelled will be to documentaries what Howard the Duck was to Hollywood special effects blockbusters.


  1. What the hell is going on here? First Possummomma picks on Howard the Duck and now you're doing it??

    Best non-animated duck movie...ever. Period.

    And that band...Cherry Bomb...Mmmm.


  2. >They’re hoping someone will latch onto an anti-Semitism theme here since there’s a visit to a concentration camp and the raised idea — apparently typical of the intelligent design community — that somehow the theory of evolution is so evil that it caused the Holocaust.

    You know what would probably help? If there was as large a movement among Jews declaring Evolution caused the Holocaust as there is among Christians.

    It's funny that this group who does most of the "evolution leads to ethnic cleansing" wolf-crying is one of the groups who, has as a manual and life guide (and presumably a god), a book that endorses and even promotes ethnic cleansing in some circumstances.

    How odd is that?

  3. Best non-animated duck movie...ever. Period.

    You're mad, I tell you! Mad!

  4. Thanks for the post - checking out the story now...

  5. I'm beginning to think the movie was just one big, calculated ploy they enacted to allow themselves to feel persecuted. Honestly, did they actually think something like that would be praised by the general public?

  6. tracie, I wonder how Ben Stein, as a Jewish person, must feel spreading lies about what caused the holocaust.

    I know that there would be no direct connection between the two events. It's not like lying about Hitler would make him reappear, but distorting one of the most gruesome lessons of history, when your own people were the victims, just seems crazy.

  7. did you mean "splooge"? or maybe it's a heartland thing?

  8. "Splooge" by any other name would still be Expelled.

  9. They're a bunch of wankers in a circle jerk. "Spooge" seems appropriate for what they've produced.


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