Friday, March 14, 2008

Expelled = epic fail!

An invitation-only (of course) private screening for Expelled in Florida, held expressly to influence state legislators to support a bogus "academic freedom" bill that's been introduced to counter the recent ruling that schools must teach evolution, tanked miserably, drawing only about 100 viewers. There's a report here. It seems no one (least of all lawmakers, thank goodness) is fooled by the movie's disingenuous message, or its amateurish attempts at stealth marketing.


  1. Sounds like it might end up being the "Heavens Gate" of ID films.

  2. They'll just blame it all on the atheist - I mean, dogmatic fundamentalist Darwinist - conspiracy.

  3. Someone posting at that blog made a point I was wondering about. I keep waiting for Stein to come out and admit it was all just an elaborate hoax ala Andy Kaufman.


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